
Hail Mary

Hail Mary, addresses the on-going carnage and tragedy of African Americans dying at the hands of police. It shows how we all, Black and White, lose so much during this, the other, pandemic.

An African-American couple, Rafael & Jackie Simon, are life-long friends and neighbors with Bernadette and Ray Richards, Santa Cruz, CA.’s chief of police. They have raised their now 25 y/o sons (former high school football teammates) to young adulthood. 

The play opens on a darkened stage where Mitch Richards, now a city patrolman, shoots and kills Kelonta Simon, an MD, in a parking lot.

How will these families navigate the unspeakable?

Collateral Damage Statue Santa Cruz, CA


Exactly deals with an retired theater professor, the great great grandson of Edwin Booth (the older brother of John Wilkes Booth) who is ready to die. All his attempts to kill himself magically fail.

The Edwin Booth statue in Gramercy Park comes to life and charges the contemporary Edwin with the challenge of resurrecting the 19th century’s greatest Shakespearean actor’s fame and standing in the modern theater world. How? By producing a hit play on Broadway. Now.

In walks in a reality-challenged California writer, Briggs Stratton, with a play that needs a producer and a director. This writer has no prior experience. After recruiting a cast of non-actors (except Sheila, who was in the travelling company of Grease in the early 1970s) from a nearby all-night diner, this play, Exactly, goes into production.

Will Edwin find a reason to go on living thrust into this motley crew?
Gramercy Park Statue

Maritza's Feast

Maritza’s Feast, this play shows a matriarch’s obsession with reuniting her family.

Louise Steele made a death-bed promise to her Puerto Rican nanny, Maritza Martinez, to find and bring into her current family a child Lousie had out of wedlock 50 years ago.

This is one Thanksgiving that will show not every major holiday is cause for one big happy family.

Remarried, Louise is imperious, wealthy, and a woman used to getting everything she wants. She cannot imagine failing–at anything.
Seaside Inn

Ten Minute Plays

You Too

You Too shows a successful Manhattan stock broker returning to the dive bar in the Bronx where he worked as a college student. He hasn’t slept in days, not since he learned his only son killed himself. Other than his wife, he’s not yet told anyone about his secret. After buying round after round for the denizens of this bar, he gets progressively stripped of his defenses. These regular bar patrons could care less about his status or pretensions.

Turns out he’s not the only one in the world who has lost a son. 

Dive Bar Bronx

Time and Materials

Time and Materials
shows a construction crew sitting down on the job before their Christian lesbian forewoman shows up just in time to keep the crew from tearing each other to pieces– after it’s learned one of them is on parole for child abuse.


Construction Hard Hat Woman Supervisor

Love on Ice

Love On Ice, a ten-minute play, takes place in a morgue where a husband, Tom, has bribed his way in the middle of the night to sit by the gurney holding his deceased wife. At first accompanied by an old friend, Tom sends him away to be alone with Gillian. Theirs was a highly conflicted marriage for many years. They have one last fight they need to have.


Feet in Morgue